Home » Algeria » Kamel Daoud

Kamel Daoud


Kamel Daoud was born in Mostaganem in 1970. His father was a police officer. After initially studying mathematics, he switched to studying literature at university and then became a journalist, writing for and then editing Le Quotidien d’Oran. He was briefly arrested in 2011, following his participation in a demonstration.

Other links

Kamel Daoud
Kamel Daoud’s Daily Dose of Subversion
His Twitter page (in French)
Algerian novelist Kamel Daoud sparks Islamophobia row
The Daoud Affair
Stranger Still. Kamel Daoud and Algeria, caught between
Islamist fervor and cultural flowering

The Sexual Misery of the Arab World (article by Daoud)
Kamel Daoud (in French)
Kamel Daoud Bouteflikafka (in French)
Algérie : Kamel Daoud, l’homme révolté (in French)
Le cas Kamel Daoud, contre-enquête (in French)
Interview (in French)


Only books translated into English orFrench

2002 Raïna Raïkoum (essays)
2003 La Fable du Nain (story)
2004 Ô Pharaon (story)
2005 Chroniques Mac-Arabe: Raïna Raïkoum (essays)
2008 La préface du nègre (L’Arabe et le vaste pays de ô…) (stories)
2011 Le Minotaure 504 (stories)
2014 Meursault, contre-enquête (Meursault, Counter Investigation)
2017 Zabor ou Les psaumes (Zabor, or The Psalms by Kamel Daoud)
2017 Mes indépendances : Chroniques 2010-2016 (Chroniques: Selected Columns, 2010–2016)
2018 Le peintre dévorant la femme