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Santiago Gamboa


Santiago Gamboa was born in Bogotá in 1965. His mother was an artist and his father an art historian. He studied literature at the Universidad Javeriana in Bogota and then lived and studied in Madrid and Paris. He also worked as journalist for Radio France International in Paris. He has since published several well-received novels, short stories and works of non-fiction, as well as having contributed to various newspapers and magazines.

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Santiago Gamboa
Santiago Gamboa
Santiago Gamboa
His Facebook page (in Spanish)
Santiago Gamboa (in Spanish)
Santiago Gamboa (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1995 Páginas de vuelta (novel)
1997 Perder es cuestión de método [Losing is a Question of Method] (novel)
2000 Vida feliz de un joven llamado Esteban [Happy Life of a Young Man Called Esteban] (novel)
2001 Los impostores (novel)
2002 Octubre en Pekín (travel)
2004 El cerco de Bogotá (novel)
2005 El síndrome de Ulises (novel)
2008 Hotel Pekin (novel)
2009 Necrópolis (Necropolis) (novel)
2012 Plegarias nocturnas (Night Prayers) (novel)
2013 Océanos de arena: diario de viaje por Oriente Medio (travel)
2014 La guerra y la paz (philosophy)
2014 Una casa en Bogotá (novel)
2016 Volver al oscuro valle (Return to the Dark Valley) (novel)
2017 Ciudades al final de la noche (travel)
2019 Será larga la noche (novel)