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Mao Dun


Mao Dun (aka Mao Tun) was born in 1896 in Zhejiang Province, attending Beijing University between 1913 and 1915 but family financial circumstances made him drop out and become a professional translator. In 1920 he was a co-founder with Ye Shengtao of the Literary Association which advocated literary realism. In the 1930s he became involved in Communist activities. He held various government positions after the founding of the People’s Republic. He died in 1981.

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Mao Dun
The Sad End of Mao Dun


(only books translated into English)
1930 虹 (Rainbow)
1932 春蚕 (Spring Silkworms and Other Stories)
1932 林家鋪子 (The Shop Of the Lin Family)
1933 Shih (The Cancer)
1933 子夜 (Midnight)
1987 The Vixen (selected stories)