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Minae Mizumura


Minae Mizumura was born in 1951 in Tokyo. She moved with her family to Long Island when she was twelve. She studied fine arts in Boston and then French literature at Yale. She then returned to Japan, to become a writer. She has subsequently taught modern Japanese literature at Princeton, the University of Michigan, and Stanford. Her first novel was a completion of Natsume Sōseki‘s Light and Darkness.

Other links

Her homepage
Minae Mizumura
Minae Mizumura
Minae Mizumura
Japan: How to talk to a tragedy (article by Mizumura)


(only books translated into English)

1995 私小説 from left to right (An I-Novel)
2002 本格小説 新潮社 (A True Novel)
2008 日本語が亡びるとき 英語の世紀の中で (The Fall of the Japanese Language in the Age of English)
2012 母の遺産 (Inheritance of Mother)