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Dumitru Tsepeneag (Țepeneag)


Dumitru Tsepeneag (Țepeneag) was born in Bucharest in 1937. He studied law at the University of Bucharest but did not complete his studies and then studied to become a teacher. However, he then decided to take up literature. He and the poet Leonid Dimov turned away from socialist realism and adopted the philosophy they called onirism. After initially being tolerated, the movement was gradually suppressed. When in France on a visit, Tsepeneag had his Romanian citizenship annulled. He remained in France and became a French citizen. He started writing his books in French, though reverted to Romanian after the fall of the Berlin Wall. As well as writing a series of well-received novels, he has also translated several French writers into Romanian.

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Dumitru Țepeneag
Dumitru Țepeneag
New Ways of Composing a Novel: On Dumitru Tsepeneag


1966 Exerciții (stories)
1967 Frig (stories)
1971 Așteptare (Waiting) (stories)
1973 Zadarnică e arta fugii (first publication in French as Arpièges) (novel)
1977 Nunțile necesare (first publication in French as Les noces nécessaires) (The Necessary Marriage) (novel)
1983 La défense Alekhine (novel)
1984 Le mot sablier. Cuvântul nisiparniță (bilingual text – novel)
1985 Roman de gare (Novel to Read on the Train) (novel)
1988 Pigeon vole (Pigeon Post) (novel)
1991 Zadarnica e arta fugii (Vain Art of the Fugue) (novel)
1992 Înscenare și alte texte (stories)
1992 Întoarcerea fiului la sânul mamei rătăcite (essays)
1993 Un român la Paris (diaries)
1996 Hotel Europa (Hotel Europa) (novel)
1998 Pont des Arts (Pont Des Arts) (novel)
1999 Călătorie neizbutită (essays)
2000 Războiul literaturii nu s-a încheiat (literature)
2001 Prin gaura cheii (stories)
2001 Maramureș Maramures) (novel)
2001 Destin cu popești (literature)
2003 Clepsidra răsturnată. Dialog cu Ion Simuț (dialogue with Ion Simuț).
2004 La belle Roumaine (La Belle Roumaine) (novel)
2007 Capitalism de cumetrie (essay)
2009 Frappes chirurgicales (novel)
2010 Camionul bulgar. Șantier sub cerul liber (The Bulgarian Truck)
2014 Proză scurtă (stories)
2019 Short Prose. Volume One
2021Un Roumain à Paris : pages de journal