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Daniel Kehlmann


Daniel Kehlmann was born in 1975 in Munich. His father was a film and theatre director and his mother an actress. His grandfather was an expressionist writer. The family moved to Vienna when he was six (his father was originally from Vienna). He studied German literature and philosophy at the University of Vienna. He started work on a doctoral thesis on Kant but did not finish because of his success as a writer. He finished his first novel while still a student and has gone on to have considerable success as a novelist in German and in translation. As well as writing novels and short stories, he has also written a play – Geister in Princeton, translated into English, but not yet published, as Ghosts in Princeton.

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Daniel Kehlmann
Daniel Kehlmann
Reading Daniel Kehlmann
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Daniel Kehlmann (in German)
Daniel Kehlmann (in German)
Daniel Kehlmann (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)


1997 Beerholms Vorstellung (novel)
1998 Unter der Sonne. (stories)
1999 Mahlers Zeit (novel)
2001 Der fernste Ort (novella)
2003 Ich und Kaminski (Me and Kaminski) (novel)
2005 Die Vermessung der Welt (Measuring the World) (novel)
2005 Wo ist Carlos Montúfar? (essays)
2007 Diese sehr ernsten Scherze. Poetikvorlesungen (essay)
2009 Ruhm: Ein Roman in neun Geschichten (Fame: A Novel in Nine Episodes) (novel)
2009 Leo Richters Porträt (story)
2010 Lob: Über Literatur (literature)
2013 F (F) (novel)
2015 Der Mentor (radio play)
2015 Kommt, Geister: Frankfurter Vorlesungen (lectures)
2016 Du hättest gehen sollen (You Should Have Left) (story)
2017 Tyll (Tyll) (novel)
2019 Der unsichtbare Drache. Ein Gespräch mit Heinrich Detering
2021 Mein Algorithmus und Ich
2023 Lichtspiel [Cinema]