Home » Germany » Clemens Meyer

Clemens Meyer


Clemens Meyer was born in 1977 in Halle an der Saale. His parents were both nurses. He worked at various jobs, including on a building site and as a furniture packer and night watchman, before studying at the German Institute in Leipzig, briefly interrupted by a short stay at a youth detention centre. As well as writing novels and stories, he has worked as an artist under the name Gunther Meyer.

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Clemens Meyer
Clemens Meyer
Clemens Meyer (in German)
Clemens Meyer (in German)
Clemens Meyer (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)


2006 Als wir träumten (While We Were Dreaming) (novel)
2008 Die Nacht, die Lichter (All the Lights) (stories)
2010 Gewalten (journal)
2013 Im Stein (Bricks and Mortar) (novel)
2013 Rückkehr in die Nacht (story)
2017 Die stillen Trabanten (Dark Satellites) (stories)
2020 Nacht im Bioskop (story)
2021 Stäube. Drei Erzählungen und ein Nachsatz (stories)