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Luis Goytisolo


Luis Goytisolo was born in Barcelona in 1935. He is the brother of Juan Goytisolo. His brother José Agustín is also a writer. His mother was killed in a bombing raid in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, when he was three. He studied law at university but abandoned his studies to devote himself full-time to literature as well as to politics (he was a member of the Communist party). He gave up membership of the party after publishing his first novel in 1958, both because of lack of conviction and because of internal turmoil within the party, though he was arrested and imprisoned for a while, contracting tuberculosis in prison. He has continued to publish novels but has remained in the shadow of his brother, despite, to most people’s surprise, being tipped for the Nobel Prize, though he is naturally happy about it.

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Luis Goytisolo
Luis Goytisolo (in Spanish)
Luis Goytisolo (in Spanish)
Goytisolo, Luis (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1958 Las afueras (novel)
1963 Las mismas palabras (novel)
1970 Ojos, círculos, búhos (with Joan Ponç – stories)
1973 Recuento (Recounting) (1st book of Antagonía series) (Antagony) (novel)
1976 Devoraciones (stories)
1976 Los verdes de mayo hasta el mar (The Greens of May Down to the Sea) (2nd book of Antagonía series) (Antagony) (novel)
1979 La cólera de Aquiles (The Wrath of Achilles) (3rd book of Antagonía series) (Antagony) (novel)
1981 Fábulas (stories)
1981 Teoría del conocimiento [Theory of Knowledge] (4th book of Antagonía series) (Antagony) (novel)
1984 Estela del fuego que se aleja (novel)
1985 Investigaciones y conjeturas de Claudio Mendoza (stories)
1987 La paradoja del ave migratoria (novel)
1992 Estatua con palomas (Statue with Doves) (novel)
1996 Mzungo (novel)
1997 Placer licuante (novel)
1999 Escalera hacia el cielo (novel)
2000 Diario de 360⁰ (360⁰ diary) (novel)
2002 El porvenir de la ficción (literature)
2003 Liberación (novel)
2004 Ficciones (stories)
2006 Oído atento a los pájaros (novel)
2009 Cosas que pasan (novel)
2012 El lago en las pupilas (novel)
2013 Naturaleza de la novela (literature)
2015 El sueño de San Luis (literature)
2017 Coincidencias (novel)
2019 Chispas (stories)