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Nouvelle fiction [New Fiction]

Nouvelle fiction [New Fiction] is a group of writers first identified in a key work of criticism by Jean-Luc Moreau, called La Nouvelle Fiction. They claimed to replace the Nouveau Roman and move away from the obsession of the French novel with the everyday and minimalism. The key features of the works of these writers are a concern with the fantastic and the baroque, using dreams, myths and legends, reinvented history and fantasy. They are virtually all male.

Key authors

(Note: all links except Haddad in French)

Francis Berthelot
Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud
François Coupry
Hubert Haddad
Marc Petit
Frédérick Tristan

Books on Nouvelle fiction

Jean-Luc Moreau: La Nouvelle Fiction (in French)
Marc Petit: Éloge de la fiction (in French)

Other links

Nouvelle fiction (in French)
Petit dictionnaire noufique (in French)