Cyril Connolly’s hundred key books of the Modern Movement

1. Henry James: Portrait of a Lady
2. Gustave Flaubert: Bouvard et Pécuchet
3. Villiers de l’Isle-Adam: Contes Cruels
4. J K Huysmans: A Rebours (Against Nature)
5. Charles Baudelaire: Oeuvres Posthumes
6. Arthur Rimbaud: Les Illuminations
7. Stéphane Mallarmé: Les Poésies
8. Guy de Maupassant: Bel Ami
9. Edmond and Jules de Goncourt: Journal
10. J K Huysmans: Là-Bas
11. Alfred Jarry: Ubu Roi
12. Henry James: The Awkward Age
13. André Gide: L’Immoraliste
14. Joseph Conrad: Youth
15. Joseph Conrad: The Secret Agent
16. Henry James: The Ambassadors
17. George Moore: Memoirs of My Dead Life
18. J M Synge: The Playboy of the Western World
19. E M Forster: The Longest Journey
20. Norman Douglas: Siren Land
21. D H Lawrence: Sons and Lovers
22. Guillaume Apollinaire: Alcools
23. Marcel Proust: Du Côté de chez Swann
24. W B Yeats: Responsibilities
25. Thomas Hardy: Satires of Circumstance
26. James Joyce: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
27. Ford Madox Ford: The Good Soldier
28. Norman Douglas: South Wind
29. Wyndham Lewis: Tarr
30. T S Eliot: Prufrock and Other Observations; The Waste Land
31. Paul Valéry: Le Jeune Parque; Charmes
32. Guillaume Apollinaire: Calligrammes
33. Gerard Manley Hopkins: Poems
34. Arthur Waley: One Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems
35. Ezra Pound: Lustra; Mauberley
36. Wilfred Owen: Poems
37. Lytton Strachey: Eminent Victorians
38. D H Lawrence: Sea and Sardinia
39. Aldous Huxley: Crome Yellow
40. Katherine Mansfield: The Garden Party
41. W B Yeats: Later Poems
42. James Joyce: Ulysses
43. Raymond Radiguet: Le Diable au Corps
44. Ronald Firbank: The Flower Beneath the Foot
45. E M Forster: A Passage to India
46. Wallace Stevens: Harmonium
47. e e cummings: Tulips and Chimneys; Is 5
48. F Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby
49. Ernest Hemingway: In Our Time
50. Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises
51. André Gide: Si le Grain ne meurt
52. William Plomer: Turbott Wolfe
53. Somerset Maugham: The Casuarina Tree
54. Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse
55. André Breton: Nadja
56. W B Yeats: The Tower; The Winding Stair
57. D H Lawrence: Lady Chatterley’s Lover
58. Evelyn Waugh: Decline and Fall
59. Henry Green: Living
60. Ernest Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms
61. Robert Graves: Goodbye to All That
62. Jean Cocteau: Les Enfants Terribles
63. Ivy Compton-Burnett: Brothers and Sisters
64. Hart Crane: The Bridge
65. T S Eliot: Ash Wednesday
66. Ezra Pound: Thirty Cantos
67. Edith Sitwell: Collected Poems
68. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Vol de Nuit
69. William Faulkner: Sanctuary
70. Virginia Woolf: The Waves
71. Edmund Wilson: Axel’s Castle
72. T S Eliot: Selected Essays
73. W H Auden: The Orators
74. Louis-Ferdinand Céline: Voyage au Bout de la Nuit
75. Aldous Huxley: Brave New World
76. Nathaniel West: Miss Lonelyhearts
77. André Malraux: La Condition Humaine
78. Dylan Thomas: Eighteen Poems: Twenty-Five Poems
79. F Scott Fitzgerald: Tender is the Night
80. Henry James: The Art of the Novel
81. Marianne Moore: Selected Poems
82. Henri de Montherlant: Les Jeunes Filles
83. Henri de Michaux: Voyage en Grande Garabagne; Au Pays de la Magie
84. Jean-Paul Sartre: La Nausée
85. Louis MacNeice: Autumn Journal
86. Christopher Isherwood: Goodbye to Berlin
87. James Joyce: Finnegan’s Wake
88. Graham Greene: The Power and the Glory
89. Arthur Koestler: Darkness at Noon
90. W H Auden: Another Time
91. Stephen Spender: Ruins and Visions
92. T S Eliot: Four Quartets
93. George Orwell: Animal Farm
94. Albert Camus: L’Etranger
95. Albert Camus: La Peste
96. Dylan Thomas: Deaths and Entrances
97. John Betjeman: Selected Poems
98. Ezra Pound: The Pisan Cantos
99. George Orwell: 1984
100. William Carlos Williams: Patterson 1, 2, 3, 4