Richard Kostelanetz Adds to McCaffery’s list

In a letter to American Book Review, avant-garde author and critic Richard Kostelanetz (his The Avant-Garde Tradition in Literature is well worth reading), while substantially agreeing with McCaffery’s list, added a few of his own. Note that one or two of these cannot, without really stretching the point, be called novels.

Saul Bellow: The Adventures of Augie March
Jack Kerouac: Old Angel Midnight and Visions of Cody
Madeline Gins: Word Rain
E E Cummings: [No Title] [note that Kostelanetz had edited a selection of cummings’ work]
Walter Abish: Alphabetical Africa
Alain Arias-Mission: Confessions
Kenneth Gangimi: Olt [note that it should be Gangemi]
Peter Schickele: The Definitive Biography of P. D. Q. Bach
John Barth: Letters
Nathanael West: The Dream life of Balso Snell
Milt Gross: He Done Her Wrong
Warren Lehrer: French Fries
B S Johnson: The Unfortunates
William Styron: Lie Down in Darkness
Sydney Goodsir Smith: Carotid Consciousness
Wyndham Lewis: The Apes of God
Kenneth Patchen: Journal of Albion Moonlight and Sleepers Awake
Henry Roth: Call It Sleep
Tom Phillips: A Humument
Thomas Pynchon: V
Amos Tutuola: The Palm Wine Drinkard
Eleanor Antini: 100 Boots [Note actually Antin and definitely not a novel]
Emmett Williams: Sweethearts
Irvin Faust: The Steagle
Paul Zelevansky: The Case for the Burial of Ancestors