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Vasco Pratolini


Vasco Pratolini was born in Florence in 1913, in the poor quarter of San Frediano, which appeared in many of his novels. His mother died when he was two and he was brought up essentially by his grandparents. After school, he worked as a printer, while studying. He contracted tuberculosis and had to spend two years in a sanatorium. In 1934, he met Elio Vittorini who encouraged him to become involved in the anti-fascist movement. He also became very involved in literary circles in Florence. In 1941 he moved to Rome, where he published his first novel and joined the Resistance. After briefly working as a journalist in Milan, he taught art in Naples till 1951, while continuing to publish novels. He then returned to Rome and had his greatest success with Metello (Metello). He also worked in the neo-realist cinema, writing screenplays both of his own novels and other works. He worked with many of the greats, including Roberto Rossellini and Luchino Visconti. He died in 1991, having produced no further published works since 1966.

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Vasco Pratolini
Vasco Pratolini (in Italian)
Vasco Pratolini (in Italian)
Vasco Pratolini (in Italian)
Vasco Pratolini (1913-1991) (in Italian)


1941 Il tappeto verde
1941 Via de’ magazzini
1943 Le amiche
1944 Il quartiere (The Naked Streets; A Tale of Santa Croce)
1947 Mestiere da vagabondo
1947 Diario sentimentale
1947 Cronaca familiare (Two Brothers; Family Chronicle)
1947 Cronache di poveri amanti (A Tale of Poor Lovers)
1949 Un eroe del nostro tempo (A Hero of Today)
1949 Le ragazze di San Frediano (The Girls of Sanfrediano)
1952 La domenica della povera gente
1954 Lungo viaggio di Natale
1955 Metello (Metello)
1960 Lo scialo
1963 La costanza della ragione (Bruno Santini)
1966 Allegoria e derisione
1967 La mia città ha trent’anni
1985 Il mannello di Natascia
1992 Lettere a Sandro
1992 Cronache dal Giro d’Italia (maggio-giugno 1947)
1992 Epistolario con Alessandro Parronchi, vol I
1996 Epistolario con Alessandro Parronchi, vol II
1997 La carriera di Niní
2001 Un ragazzo diverso e altri racconti