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Patrick Ilboudo


Patrick Ilboudo was born in 1951 in Bilbalogho, near Ouagadougou. He obtained a bachelor’s degree from the University of Ouagadougou in contemporary literature and then a doctorate in information and communication sciences from the Sorbonne. He worked for the Institut Africain d’Etudes Cinématographiques (African Institute for Cinematographic Studies) before founding the Mouvement Burkinabé de Lutte contre le Racisme, l’Apartheid et pour l’Amitié entre les Peuples, an anti-racism body, and a writers’ union, Mutuelle pour l’Union et la Solidarité des Ecrivains (MUSE). As well as novels he wrote a collection of stories and a report on African cinema. He died in Paris in 1994.

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Patrick Ilboudo (in French)
Patrick Ilboudo (in French)


1983 Les toilettes (stories)
1987 Le procès du muet (novel)
1988 Les carnets secrets d’une fille de joie (novel)
1988 Le Fespaco, 1969-1989: les cinéastes africains et leurs oeuvres
1990 Les vertiges du trône (novel)
1991 Le héraut têtu [The Stubborn Herald] (novel)