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Francis Bebey


Francis Bebey is now best known as a musician, though he started out as a writer. He was born in Douala in 1929 and was educated in Douala, Paris and the United States. He worked for UNESCO in the Department of Information, where he prepared numerous broadcasts for francophone African radio. He was a self-taught musician and while best-known for playing guitar, he could play a variety of instruments, including several traditional West African instruments such as the sanza (mbira). He died in 2001.

Books about Francis Bebey

Dominique Hoyet: Francis Bebey: écrivain et musicien camerounais (in French)
David Ndachi Tagne: Francis Bebey (in French)

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Francis Bebey
Francis Bebey
Francis Bebey
Francis Bebey (in French)
Francis Bebey (in French)
Francis Bebey (in French)


1963 La radiodiffusion en Afrique Noire
1967 Fils d’Agatha Moudio (Agatha Moudio’s Son) (novel)
1968 Embarras & cie; nouvelles et poèmes
1969 Musique de l’Afrique (African Music: A People’s Art)
1969 Le petit fumeur (children’s)
1969 Avril tout au long (poetry)
1972 Trois petits cireurs (children’s)
1972 Concert pour un vieux masque (poetry)
1973 Poupee Ashanti (The Ashanti Doll) (novel)
1977 Roi Albert d’Effidi (King Albert) (novel)
1980 La nouvelle saison des fruits (poetry)
1985 Contes de style moderne (stories)
1989 La lune dans un seau tout rouge (stories)
1992 Le ministre et le griot (novel)
1994 L’enfant-pluie (novel)
1995 Congrès de griots à Kankan (drama)