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Charly Mbock


Charly Mbock was born in Makaï in 1950. He studied at the University of Paris, focussing on literature and anthropology. He has worked as a lecturer in the academic world and a researcher. In 2002 he was elected as a member of the Cameroonian parliament. He has subsequently held senior intergovernmental posts and academic posts.

Other links

Charly Gabriel Mbock (in French)
Charly Gabriel Mbock (in French)
His blog (long since defunct – in French)


1978 Le monde s’effondre de Chinua Achebe (literature)
1978 Quand saigne le palmier [When the Palm Tree Bleeds] (novel)
1980 Le soupçon, (story)
1984 La Croix du coeur (novel)
1985 Cameroun, l’intention démocratique (politics)
1990 Cameroun : le défi libéral (poltiics)
1992 Comprendre “Ville cruelle” d’Eza Boto (literature)
1999 Le chant du signe : essai d’anthropologie de l’orature (anthropology)
1990 Et tu seras ma veuve (novel)
2010 Décoloniser la France (politics)