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Sylvain Bemba


Sylvain Bemba was born in 1934 in Sibiti. He started work as a journalist before becoming involved in the theatre, both as playwright and director. He was also minister of information and director for cultural affairs in the Congo. As a keen student of African music he also wrote a history of Congolese music. Though most of his work was in drama, he did write four novels. He died in 1995.

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Sylvain Bemba (in French)
Sylvain Bemba (in French)
Sylvain Bemba (in French)


1970 L’enfer, c’est Orféo (drama)
1972 L’homme qui tua le crocodile (drama)
1972 300 dernières, pièce à quinze personnages pour un clown sans maquillage (drama)
1975 Une eau dormante (drama)
1976 Tarentelle noire et diable blanc (drama)
1976 Embouteillages (drama)
1979 Rêves portatifs [Portable Dreams] (novel)
1979 Un foutu monde pour un blanchisseur trop honnête (drama)
1983 Le soleil est parti à M’Pemba (novel)
1984 Cinquante ans de musique du Congo-Zaïre, 1920-1970: de Paul Kamba à Tabu-Ley (music)
1984 Le dernier des Cargonautes (novel)
1985 Léopolis (novel)
1986 Qu’est devenu Ignoumba le chasseur? (drama)
1989 Le M’bulu-N’kongo ne chante qu’une fois; L’étrange crime de monsieur Pancrace Amadeus précédé de Les éléphantomes (drama)
1995 Noces posthumes de Santigone, Solignac, Le bruit des autres (drama)