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Sami Tchak


Sami Tchak was born Sadamba Tcha-Koura in Bowounda in 1960. He took a degree in philosophy from the University of Lomé and then taught for three years. He then went to France to study sociology, obtaining a doctorate from the Sorbonne. As part of his studies, he went to Cuba to study prostitution and he also visited Colombia and Mexico. He returned to Africa in 2011. He has since written several novels and essays.

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Sami Tchak
Sami Tchak
Sami Tchak
Sami Tchak, le plus nietzschéen des romanciers africains


1988 Femme infidèle (novel)
1995 Formation d’une élite paysanne au Burkina Faso (essay)
1999 La sexualité féminine en Afrique (essay)
1999 La prostitution à Cuba (essay)
2000 L’Afrique à l’épreuve du sida (essay)
2001 Place des Fêtes [Place des Fêtes] (novel)
2003 Hermina (novel)
2004 La fête des masques((novel))
2006 Le paradis des chiots (novel)
2008 Filles de Mexico, Paris (novel)
2011 Al Capone le Malien (novel)
2013 L’ethnologue et le sage (novel)
2014 La couleur de l’écrivain : comédie littéraire (humour)
2018 Ainsi parlait mon père (memoirs)
2020 Les fables du moineau (novel)