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George Lamming


George Lamming was born in Carrington Village, Barbados in 1927. He left for Trinidad shortly after the war to become a teacher. In 1950 he emigrated to England, first working in a factory and then working for the BBC Colonial Service. Since 1967 he has taught at the University of the West Indies and elsewhere. As well as novels, he has written poetry and criticism. He has been concerned with the themes of exile and return, identity and colonialism. He died in 2022.

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George Lamming
George Lamming
George Lamming
Sea of stories (article by Lamming)


1953 In the Castle of My Skin
1954 The Emigrants
1958 Of Age and Innocence
1960 The Pleasures of Exile
1960 Season of Adventure
1972 Natives of My Person
1972 Water with Berries
1992 Conversations: Essays, Addresses And Interviews, 1953-1990
1995 Coming, Coming Home: Conversations II – Western Education and the Caribbean Intellectual
2009 Sovereignty of the Imagination: Conversations III – Language and the Politics of Ethnicity
2010 Caribbean Reasonings – The George Lamming Reader: The Aesthetics of Decolonisation