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Jorge Barón Biza


Jorge Barón Biza was born in Buenos Aires in 1942. He was the son of the writer Raúl Barón Biza (link in Spanish) and the historian Rosa Clotilde Sabattini. Raúl shot himself after having thrown a glass of sulphuric acid into the face of his wife, who was left badly scarred. She would later throw herself from the flat where the attack took place. Both Jorge and his sister would later kill themselves, Jorge also throwing himself from a high building, in 2001. He had worked for various Argentinan publishers and been a professor at two universities, as well as producing one novel, El desierto y su semilla (The Desert and Its Seed).

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Jorge Barón Biza
Jorge Barón Biza (in Spanish)
Jorge Barón Biza (in Spanish)
Jorge Barón Biza, el hombre del subsuelo (in Spanish)
Despedida al escritor y crítico Jorge Baron Biza (1942- 2001) (in Spanish)
Articles by Barón Biza in Eterna Cadencia (in Spanish)


1998 El desierto y su semilla (The Desert and Its Seed) (novel)
1999 Los cordobeses en el fin del milenio
2010 Por dentro todo está permitido : reseñas, retratos y ensayos
2011 Pintores cordobeses (art)