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Alberto Fuguet


Alberto Fuguet was born in Santiago, in 1964. Soon after his birth, his family emigrated to the United States, living in Los Angeles. They remained there till he was eleven. The family returned to Chile but Fuguet did not speak Spanish and had to learn, primarily by reading. He studied journalism at the University of Chile. He has since become a writer, writing for the press and writing novels, short stories, screenplays and music and film criticism. He was a founder of the McOndo movement, a movement characterised by moving away from Magic Realism and adopting a more urban approach, influenced by popular culture.

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Alberto Fuguet
Alberto Fuguet
Alberto Fuguet
Examining Our American Disillusion With Alberto Fuguet
His Twitter page (in Spanish)
Alberto Fuguet (in Spanish)
Alberto Fuguet (in Spanish)
Alberto Fuguet (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1990 Sobredosis (Deambulando por la orilla oscura) (stories)
1991 Mala onda (Bad Vibes) (novel)
1994 Por favor, rebobinar (novel)
1998 Tinta roja [Red Ink] (novel)
2000 Primera parte (non-fiction)
2000 Dos hermanos: tras la ruta de En un lugar de la noche (non-fiction)
2003 Las películas de mi vida (The Movies of My Life) (novel)
2004 Cortos (Shorts) (stories)
2006 Prueba de aptitud (stories)
2007 Road Story (graphic novel)
2007 Apuntes autistas (non-fiction)
2009 Missing (una investigación) (novel)
2010 Aeropuertos (novel)
2012 Cinépata (una bitácora) (cinema)
2013 Tránsitos. Una cartografía literaria (non-fiction)
2014 Juntos y solos (stories)
2015 No ficción (novel)
2016 Sudor (novel)
2016 Todo no es suficiente (la corta, intensa y sobreexpuesta vida de Gustavo Escanlar) (biography)
2017 VHS (unas memorias) (memoirs)
2018 Cuentos reunidos (stories)