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Enrique Lihn


Enrique Lihn was born in Santiago in 1929. He studied drawing and painting at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Chile. He published his first book, a book of poetry, when he was twenty. He continued to publish poetry, as well as writing novels, stories, essays, works on art and articles for newspapers. He spent some time in France with a UNESCO grant and in the United States with a Guggenheim grant. He died of cancer in 1988. Only a few of his poems and stories have been published in English.

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Enrique Lihn
Enrique Lihn
Meeting with Enrique Lihn
Enrique Lihn (in Spanish)
Enrique Lihn (in Spanish)
Enrique Lihn (in Spanish)
Enrique Lihn (in Spanish)
Selections of his poems (in Spanish)
Selections of his poems (in Spanish)


1949 Nada se escurre (poetry)
1952 Introducción a la poesía de Nicanor Parra (literature)
1955 Poemas de este tiempo y de otro (poetry)
1959 Pedro Luna (art)
1963 La pieza oscura (poetry)
1964 Agua de arroz (stories)
1966 Poesía de paso (poetry)
1969 Escrito en Cuba (poetry)
1969 La musiquilla de las pobres esferas (poetry)
1971 La cultura en la vía chilena al socialismo (essays)
1972 La chambre noire (French/Spanish bilingual edition) (poetry)
1972 Algunos poemas (poetry)
1972 Diez cuentos de bandidos (stories)
1973 Batman en Chile (novel)
1974 Por fuerza mayor (poetry)
1975 La orquesta de cristal (novel)
1977 París, situación irregular (poetry)
1978 Lihn y Pompier (poetry)
1978 The Dark Room and Other Poems (English translation of selected poems) (poetry)
1978 El arte de la palabra [The Way of Speaking] (novel)
1979 A partir de Manhattan (poetry)
1981 Noticias del extranjero (poetry)
1981 Poesía al azar (poetry)
1982 Estación de los desamparados (poetry)
1982 Poetas, voladores de luces (novel)
1983 Al bello aparecer de este lucero (poetry)
1983 El Paseo Ahumada (poetry)
1983 Sobre el estructuralismo de Ignacio Valente (essays)
1986 Pena de extrañamiento (poetry)
1987 Mester de juglaría (poetry)
1987 La aparición de la virgen (poetry)
1987 Señales de ruta de Juan Luis Martínez (essays)
1988 Eugenio Téllez (art)
1989 Álbum de toda especie de poemas (poetry)
1989 Diario de muerte (poetry)
1989 Asedios a Oscar Hahn (literature)
1989 La república independiente de Miranda (novel)
1995 Porque escribí (poetry)
1996 El circo en llamas (essays)
1999 Figures of Speech (English translation of selected poems) (poetry)
2004 Huacho y pochocha (poetry/stories)
2005 Una nota estridente (poetry)
2007 Rice water and Other Stories (stories)
2008 Textos sobre arte (art)
2011 Roma, la loba (graphic novel)
2012 La aparición de la virgen y otros poemas políticos (1963-1987) (poetry)
2012 El efímera vulgata (poetry)
2013 Nada se pierde con vivir (poetry)