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Gloria Guardia


Gloria Guardia was born in Venezuela in 1940. Her father was a Panamanian engineer and her mother was the daughter of Nicaraguan hero Benjamín Zeledón. Her father travelled a lot for his work so she spent much time in the United States and Europe. She graduated from Vassar College in history in 1962 and then, after studying in Madrid, took a Master’s in comparative literature from Columbia University. She completed the requirements for a Ph. D., except for the residency requirements. Her first novel was published when she was only twenty and won an award in Spain. She has gone on to write novels, essays, short stories and critical studies as well as writing numerous articles for newspapers and magazines. She founded the Panama chapter of PEN International and was very much involved in the main organisation.

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Gloria Guardia
Gloria Guardia
Gloria Guardia
Guide to the Gloria Guardia Papers, ca. 1961, 1976
Gloria Guardia (in Spanish)
Gloria Guardia (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1961 Tiniebla blanca [White Darkness] (novel)
1971 Estudio sobre el pensamiento poético de Pablo Antonio Cuadra (literature)
1974 Con Ernesto Cardenal : un viaje a Solentiname (memoir)
1975 Rogelio Sinan : una revision de la vanguardia en Panama (literature)
1975 Pablo Neruda: Un compromiso humano que no muere (literature)
1976 El último juego (novel)
1984 La búsqueda del rostro (essays)
1994 Orígenes y fundación de la Real Academia Española (essay)
1997 Cartas Apócrifas (stories)
1997 La palabra mitopoética en la obra de Pablo Antonio Cuadra (literature)
1999 Libertad en Llamas (novel)
2004 Pablo Antonio Cuadra: poeta y pensador cristiano (literature)
2006 Lobos al anochecer (novel)
2009 Rogelio Sinán a la luz de las nuevas propuestas críticas sonre la narrativa latinoamericana (literature)
2011 El jardín de las cenizas (novel)
2014 En el corazón de la noche (novel)