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Gabriel Casaccia


Gabriel Casaccia was born in Asunción in 1907. He graduated in law in 1927 and worked as an auditor before moving to Buenos Aires in 1935. His novel La babosa [The Slug] was much criticised in Paraguay for giving a distorted view of the country and was not published in that country till much later. Most of his novels concern middle-class anti-heroes, who are dreamers. The coiguá – a Paraguayan born in the country, who moves to the city but cannot get rid of his country ways – is a major element of his fiction. Ramón Fleitas in La babosa [The Slug] is a key example. Casaccia died in 1980.

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Gabriel Casaccia
Gabriel Casaccia (in Spanish)
Gabriel Casaccia (in Spanish)
Gabriel Casaccia (in Spanish)
Gabriel Casaccia (1907-1980) (in Spanish)
Gabriel Casaccia, narrador cabal y venero de la novelística paraguaya (in Spanish)


1927 Hombres, mujeres y fantoches (novel)
1932 El bandolero (drama)
1938 El guajhú (stories)
1939 El pozo (stories)
1939 Mario Pareda (novel)
1952 La babosa [The Slug] (novel)
1963 La llaga (novel)
1966 Los exiliados (novel)
1975 Los herederos (novel)
1981 Los Huertas (novel)
1982 Cartas a mi hermano (letters – with Carlos Alberto Casaccia Bibolini)