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Rosario Ferré


Rosario Ferré was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico, in 1938. Her father was governor of Puerto Rico between 1968 and 1972. She took a B.A. in English and French from Manhattanville College and then a Master’s in Spanish and Latin American Studies from the University of Puerto Rico and a Ph. D. from the University of Maryland, writing a thesis on Julio Cortázar. By this time she had been writing some time and continued to write fiction, poetry and non-fiction, as well as founding a magazine. She also taught in various universities. She died in 2016.

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Rosario Ferré
Rosario Ferré
Rosario Ferré
Rosario Ferré
Rosario Ferré (in Spanish)
Rosario Ferré (in Spanish)
Rosario Ferré (in Spanish)
Rosario Ferré (in Spanish)
Ferré, Rosario (1942-VVVV) (in Spanish)
Obituary (in Spanish)


1976 La muñeca menor (The Youngest Doll) (novel)
1976 Papeles de Pandora (stories)
1980 Sitio a Eros: trece ensayos literarios (literature)
1981 El Medio Pollito (children’s)
1981 La mona que le pisaron la cola (children’s)
1982 Fábulas de la Garza Desangrada (poetry)
1982 La cocina de la escritura (non-fiction)
1986 El Acomodador: una lectura fantástica de Felisberto Hernández (non-fiction)
1986 Sitio a Eros: Quince ensayos literarios (non-fiction)
1989 Maldito Amor (Sweet Diamond Dust) stories)
1989 Sonatinas (stories)
1990 El árbol y sus sombras (non-fiction)
1991 Cortázar: El Romántico en su Observatorio (non-fiction)
1991 Destiny, Language, and Translation or Ophelia Adrift in the C & O Canal (non-fiction)
1991 El Coloquio de las Perras (non-fiction)
1992 Las dos Venecias. Poemas y cuentos (poetry/stories)
1994 Antología Personal: 1992-1976 (poetry)
1994 La Batalla de Las Vírgenes (children’s)
1996 La casa de la laguna (The House on the Lagoon) (novel)
1998 Vecindarios excéntricos (Eccentric Neighborhoods) (novel)
2001 A la sombra de tu nombre (non-fiction)
2001 El Vuelo del Cisne (Flight of the Swan) (novel)
2002 La extraña muerte del Capitancito Candelario (novel)
2003 Duelo del lenguaje/Language Duel (poetry)
2005 Las Puertas del Placer (non-fiction)
2006 Fisuras (poetry)
2010 Lazos de sangre (Blood Ties) (novellas)
2011 Memoria (Memoir) (poetry)