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Louis Hémon


Louis Hémon was born in Brest, France, in 1880. He moved to Paris with his family when he was young. He studied oriental languages and law at the Sorbonne and then went to London for eight year after doing his military service, where he worked for a French sports magazine and where he married Lydia O’Kelly. In 1911, he left his wife and daughter in England and went to Canada. He worked on a farm, which he used as the basis for his famous novel Maria Chapdelaine (Maria Chapdelaine). In 1913, he sent the manuscript to France and then set out for western Canada but was killed in a train accident. Maria Chapdelaine (Maria Chapdelaine) was published in serial form in France and then in book form in Canada. Despite criticism of the work for presenting an unromantic view of rural Quebec, the book soon became a classic.

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Louis Hémon
Hémon, Louis
Louis Hémon (in French)
Louis Hémon (in French)
Musée Louis Hémon (in French)


1913 Maria Chapdelaine (Maria Chapdelaine)
1922 Colin-Maillard (Blind Man’s Bluff)
1923 La belle que voilà (My Fair Lady)
1925 Battling Malone: pugiliste (Battling Malone and Other Stories)
1927 Itinéraire
1950 Monsieur ripois et la némésis (Monsieur Ripois and Nemesis)
1968 Lettres à sa famille
1982 Récits sportifs
1985 Itinéraire de Liverpool à Québec
1991 Nouvelles londoniennes: de Marble Arch à Whitechapel
1993 Écrits sur le Québec