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Nancy Huston


Nancy Huston was born in Calgary in 1953. Her mother left suddenly when Huston was six years and her subsequent decision to abandon her mother tongue is, according to her, related to this. Her family moved to New England when she was in her teens and she attended Sarah Lawrence College near New York. After college, she moved to Paris where she has lived ever since. In Paris she studied with Roland Barthes. She is married to the Bulgarian writer Tzvetan Todorov. Despite the fact that she learned it as a foreign language, she has adopted French as her primary language for writing but she has said she is uncomfortable in both French and English. She is best known for Les variations Goldberg (The Goldberg Variations), a novel whose action lasts as long as it takes the main character to play Bach’s Goldberg Variations.

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Nancy Huston
Nancy Huston (in French)
Nancy Huston (in French)
Interview (in French)
Interview (in French)
Interview (in French)


1979 Jouer au papa et à l’amant: de l’amour des petites filles (essay)
1980 Dire et interdire: éléments de jurologie (essay)
1981 Les variations Goldberg (The Goldberg Variations) (novel)
1982 Mosaïque de la pornographie: Marie-Thérèse et les autres (essay)
1984 A l’amour comme à la guerre: correspondance
1985 Histoire d’Omaya (The Story of Omaya) (novel)
1986 Lettres parisiennes : autopsie de l’exil
1989 Trois fois septembre (novel)
1990 Journal de la création (essay)
1992 Véra veut la vérité (children’s)
1993 Dora demande des détails (children’s)
1993 Cantique des plaines (Plainsong) (novel)
1994 La virevolte (Slow Emergencies) (novel)
1995 Pour un patriotisme de l’ambiguïté: notes autour d’un voyage aux sources (essay)
1995 Le Tombeau de Romain Gary
1995 Désirs et réali (essay)tés: textes choisis 1978-1994 (essay)
1996 Instruments des ténèbres (Instruments of Darkness) (novel)
1998 Les Souliers d’or (children’s)
1998 L’empreinte de l’ange (The Mark of the Angel) (novel)
1998 Limbes = Limbo: un hommage à Samuel Beckett (essay)
1999 Nord perdu: Suivi de Douze France (essay)
1999 Prodige: polyphonie (Prodigy) (novel)
1999 Lettres parisiennes, Histoires d’exil (with Leïla Sebbar) (correspondence)
1999 Nord perdu suivi de Douze France
2001 Dolce agonia (Dolce Agonia) (novel)
2001 Visages de l’aube (story, photos by Valérie Winckler)
2001 Tu es mon amour depuis tant d’années (prose poems)
2002 Losing North: Musings on Land, Tongue and Self (essay)
2002 Angela et Marina: tragicomédie musicale (script)
2003 Une adoration (An Adoration) (novel)
2004 Âmes et corps: textes choisis 1981-2003 (essays)
2004 Professeurs de désespoir (essay)
2004 Les braconniers d’histoires (children’s)
2005 Longings and Belongings (essays)
2006 Lignes de faille (Fault Lines) (novel)
2007 Passions d’Annie Leclerc (essay)
2008 L’espèce fabulatrice (The Tale-Tellers) (essay)
2008 Lisières (story, with photos by Mihai Mangiulea)
2008 Ta belle mort (account of funeral of Göran Tunström)
2009 Jocaste reine (Jocasta Regina) (drama)
2010 Infrarouge (Infrared) (novel)
2011 Démons quotidiens (essay)
2011 Poser nue (drawings by Guy Oberson) (art)
2011 Ultraviolet (children’s)
2012 Reflets dans un œil d’homme (essay)
2013 Danse noire (Black Dance) (novel)
2014 Bad Girl. Classes de littérature (story)
2014 Plus de saisons! (children’s)
2016 La fille poilu (children’s)
2016 Le Club des miracles relatifs (novel)
2016 Carnets de l’incarnation : textes choisis
2016 Sois belle, sois fort (essay)
2017 Sensations fortes (stories)
2017 Naissance d’une jungle (essay)
2018 Lèvres de pierre (novel)
2018 Erosongs (poetry)
2019 In Deo (story)
2019 Rien d’autre que cette félicité : monologue (story)
2019 Virilités vrillées (story)