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Selma Dabbagh


Selma Dabbagh was born in1970 in Dundee. Her father was from Palestine (Jaffa) and her mother English. When she was eight the family moved to Kuwait. She graduated from Durham University with a Bachelor of Arts degree and later earned an LL.M. from SOAS. She worked as a human rights lawyer. She has written numerous short stories and articles, as well as two radio plays and a novel.

Other links

Her homepage
Her Twitter page
Selma Dabbagh
Selma Dabbagh
Selma Dabbagh: Writer and Lawyer
The fight to Boycott is not over (article by Dabbagh)
Articles by Dabbagh)
Selma Dabbagh reports from the Palestine Festival of Literature
The City and the Writer: In Jaffa with Selma Dabbagh
Selma Dabbagh’s top 10 stories of reluctant revolutionaries


2011 Out of It (novel)