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Yousef Al-Mohaimeed


Yousef Al-Mohaimeed (also known as Yūsuf Muḥaymīd) was born in the Al-Shmaisi quarter of Riyadh in 1964. He had been preceded by seven girls, though three had died. He had a sickly childhood so spent much time on art and literature. He attended the Faculty of Management Science at King Saud University but got into trouble with the authorities for publishing a poem in a student magazine, calling for women to not wear veils. He also had problems with his first book of stories which had to be withdrawn as it contained immoral stories, according to a religious leader. The same happened to his first novel, فخاخ الرائحة (Wolves of the Crescent Moon). His subsequent works have been published outside Saudi Arabia.

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Yousef Al-Mohaimeed
Soap and Ambergris (story by Al-Mohaimeed)


(Only books translated into English)

2003 فخاخ الرائحة (Wolves of the Crescent Moon)
2004 القارورة (Munira’s Bottle)
2009 االحمام لا يطير في بريدة (Where Pigeons Don’t Fly)