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Chinghiz Aitmatov


Chinghiz Aitmatov was born in 1928 in Sheker. He was brought up bilingually in Kirghiz and Russian. His father was shot in 1937 during the Stalinist purges. During the war he worked for the local soviet and then studied veterinary medicine after the war, graduating in 1953. By his time, he had started writing stories. He initially wrote in Kirghiz but then translated them into Russian and then wrote in Russian, to gain a wider audience. His stories helped him gain admission to the Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow. After graduating, he returned home and worked as a journalist but continued to write fiction. He achieved success with is first novel, Джамиля (Jamila; Jamilia). After that success, he became involved in the Soviet literary establishment, writing for and working on key journals. He continued to write novels, stories and plays. He was appointed Soviet ambassador to the European institutions in Luxembourg and remained as Russian ambassador after the fall of the Soviet Union. He died in 2008.

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Chinghiz Aitmatov
Chinghiz Aitmatov
Chinghiz Aitmatov
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1958 Джамиля (Jamila; Jamilia)
1963 Материнское поле (Mother Earth and Other Stories)
1963 Повести гор и степей (Tales of the Mountains and the Steppes)
1964 Short Novels
1966 Прощай, Гульсары (Farewell Gul’sary)
1970 Белый пароход (White Steamship; The White Ship)
1973 Восхождение на Фудзияму (Ascent of Mount Fuji)
1977 Пегий пёс, бегущий краем моря (Piebald Dog Running Along The Shore and Other Stories)
1979 Ранние журавли (Cranes Fly Early)
1980 И дольше века длится день (The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years)
1982 Час слова (The Place of the Skull)
1986 Плаха (Time to Speak; The Time to Speak Out)