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Begenas Sartov


Begenas Sartov was born in 1945 in Checherin, Kyrgystan. When young, he helped his father herd sheep but was also writing poems and short stories. He studied languages at the Kyrgyz State University. He worked as an assistant TV director and then as a reporter, before becoming the editor of two publications. He started writing science fiction and fantasy works for adults and for children and continued to do so throughout his short career but he also wrote poetry. He died in 1978 of liver failure.

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1976 Настроение (poetry)
1978 Мамыры Гулдогон Маалды (Russian: Когда цветут эдельвейсы) (When the Edelweiss Flowers Flourish) (novel and stories)
1982 Эридиана (novel and stories)
1990 Человек и робот (stories)
1990 Эксперимент (stories)
Note that his work was written in Kyrgyz and generally published in newspapers and magazines. It was only published in book form when translated into Russian. These titles are in Russian except for the book under review where both languages are given.