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Masatsugu Ono


Masatsugu Ono was born in 1970 in Kamae Town, Oita Prefecture (now Saiki City ). He studied Comparative Japanese Culture at the University of Tokyo. He later took a doctorate from the University of Paris, with a thesis on Maryse Condé. His first work was the result of winning a student novel contest. He has since written several novels three of which have been translated into English and has also taught French literature at university level.

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Masatsugu Ono
Masatsugu Ono
Masatsugu Ono
Masatsugu Ono
Masatsugu Ono
On Translationese (article by Ono)


(Only books translated into English)

2002 にぎやかな湾に背負われた船 (Echo on the Bay)
2006 森のはずれで (At the Edge of the Woods)
2012 獅子渡り (Lion Cross Point)