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Adalet Ağaoğlu


Adalet Ağaoğlu was born in Nallıhan, Ankara Province in 1929. Her father sold fabric. One of her brothers became a playwright and another one an actor. She graduated in French Language and Literature from Ankara University. At school she started writing poetry and then turned to writing plays and theatre criticism. She wrote radio plays for Turkish radio. and later founded a theatre. She then went to Paris to study drama. She initially focused on play writing but then turned to the novel. As well as novels she also writes short stories. She has been involved in the human rights movement, including rights for the Kurds.

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Adalet Ağaoğlu
Adalet Ağaoğlu
Adalet Ağaoğlu


1973 Ölmeye Yatmak (novel)
1974 Yüksek Gerilim (stories)
1976 Fikrimin İnce Gülü (novel)
1978 Sessizliğin İlk Sesi (stories)
1979 Bir Düğün Gecesi (novel)
1980 Yazsonu (Summer’s End) (novel)
1982 Hadi Gidelim (stories)
1984 Üç Beş Kişi (Curfew) (novel)
1986 Geçerken (essay)
1987 Hayır… (novel)
1991 Ruh Üşümesi (novel)
1992 Gece Hayatım (essay)
1993 Karşılaşmalar (Encounter) (essay)
1993 Romantik Bir Viyana Yazı (novel)
1994 Dar zamanlar (novel)
1996 Başka Karşılaşmalar (essay)
1997 Hayatı savunma biçimleri (stories – some of the stories translated as Rabia’s Return)
2008 God’s Latest Manifesto (stories)
2014 Dert Dinleme Uzmanı (novel)
2017 Hayatı savunma biçimleri (stories)
2017 Sessiz bir adam (drama)
2018 Düşme korkusu (novel)
2018 Öyle kargaşada böyle karşilaşmalar (novel)
2018 Okurunun yazarı (essay)
2019 Yeni karşılamalar