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Bilge Karasu


Bilge Karasu was born in Istanbul in 1930. He was not related to the Carasso/Karasu family who founded the Danone yoghurt company. He studied at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Literature of Istanbul University. He travelled to Europe on a Rockefeller scholarship and then worked at the Directorate General of Press and Publication and Tourism and at the Ankara Radio External Broadcasting Service. He started writing when he was seventeen, publishing stories, and went on to write stories, novels and articles. He died of pancreatic cancer in 1995.

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Bilge Karasu
Bilge Karasu (in Turkish)


1963 Troya’da ölüm vardı (Death in Troy) (story)
1970 Uzun Sürmüş Bir Günün Akşamı (A Long Day’s Evening) (story)
1980 Göçmüş Kediler Bahçesi (The Garden of Departed Cats) ( (story)
1985 Gece (Night) (novel)
1990 Kılavuz (novel)
1994 Ne Kitapsız Ne Kedisiz (essay
1995 Narla İncire Gazel (essay)
1996 Altı Ay Bir Güz (essay)