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Oğuz Atay


Oğuz Atay was born in the Turkish province of Inebolu, Kastamonu in 1934. His father was a judge and a Member of Parliament. After school in Ankara, where the family moved when the father became an M.P., Atay studied civil engineering at the Istanbul Technical University School of Civic Engineering. He later became an associate professor there. After completing his military service, he worked at the ferry port of Kadıköy. He is best known for his novel Tutunamayanlar (The Disconnected), though he also wrote other novels, stories, a play and diary. He died in 1977.

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Oğuz Atay
Oğuz Atay (in Turkish)
Oğuz Atay (in Turkish)


1970 Topoğrafya (textbook on surveying)
1971-72 Tutunamayanlar (The Disconnected) (novel)
1973 Tehlikeli Oyunlar (novel)
1975 Bir Bilim Adamının Romanı: Mustafa İnan (novel)
1975 Korkuyu Beklerken (Waiting for the Fear) (stories)
1985 Oyunlarla Yaşayanlar (drama)
1987 Günlük (diary)
1998 Eylembilim (unfinished novel)