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Alek Popov


Alek Popov was born in Sofia in 1966. His father was a professor of mathematics. He took an M.A. in Bulgarian philology from the University of Sofia. He worked as an editor and curator at the National Museum of Literature and then as cultural attaché at the Bulgarian Embassy in London, the basis for his novel . He has written stories, essays and novels.

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Alek Popov
Popov, Alek
Alek Popov


1992 Другата смърт (stories)
1994 Мръсни сънища (stories)
1995 Игра на магии (stories)
1997 Зелевият цикъл (stories)
1998 Пътят към Сиракуза (stories)
2001 Мисия Лондон (Mission to London) (novel)
2002 Ниво за напреднали (stories)
2005 Спътник на радикалния мислител (essay)
2006 Митология на прехода (stories)
2007 Черната кутия (The Black Box) (novel)
2012 Телесни плевели (сборник stories)
2013 Сестри Палавееви в бурята на историята (novel)
2014 Черната кутия: ниско прелитащи кучета (novel)