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Robert Perišić


Robert Perišić was born in 1969 in Split. He graduated in Croatian language and literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. He has since worked as a freelance author, publishing in many magazines and elsewhere. He has written poetry, stories, essays, plays and novels. Three of his novels have been published in English as have some of his stories.

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Robert Perišić
Robert Perišić
Robert Perišić
Robert Perišić
Robert Perišić
Robert Perišić


1995 Dvorac Amerika (poetry)
1999 Možeš pljunuti onoga tko bude pitao za nas (stories)
2002 Užas i veliki troškovi (Horror and Huge Expenses) (stories)
2006 Nema boga u Susedgradu (stories)
2007 Naš čovjek na terenu (Our Man in Iraq)
2009 Možeš pljunuti onoga tko bude pitao za nas (novel)
2011 Uvod u smiješni ples (autobiography)
2012 ednom kasnije (Sometime Later) (poetry)
2015 Područje bez signala (No-Signal Area) (novel)
2018 Hodati kao mačka (A Cat at the End of the World)
2020 Siromašni čovjek kojeg boli glava (poetry)
2022 Brod za Issu (novel)