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Egon Hostovský
Egon Hostovský was born in Hronov in 1908. His father owned a textile factory. He was apparently related to Stefan Zweig. After school, he studied philosophy at the Charles University in Prague and then at university in Vienna, but did not graduate. Back in Prague he worked as an editor. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was posted to Brussels. After the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, he moved first to Paris, then to Portugal before emigrating to the United States. Many of his family members were killed in concentration camps, as the family was Jewish.
After the war he returned to Czechoslovakia but left again, returning to the United States via Denmark and Norway. There he taught and worked for Radio Free Europe. He published numerous novels and stories, several of which were translated into English.
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Egon Hostovský
Egon Hostovský
Egon Hostovský, “a European among the sprinklers”
Hostovský, Egon
Interview with his son Paul
1926 Zavřené dveře
1928 Stezka podél cesty
1928 Ghetto v nich
1930 Danajský dar
1932 Případ profesora Kornera
1933 Černá tlupa (The Black Band)
1935 Žhář (The Arsonist)
1937 Dům bez pána
1941 Listy z vyhnanství (Letters from Exile)
1942 Sedmkrát v hlavní úloze (Seven Times The Leading Man)
1943 Úkryt (The Hideout)
1947 Cizinec hledá byt
1948 Osamělí buřiči, Lidové noviny (The Lonely Rebels)
1952 Manipulation of the Zhdanov line in Czechoslovakia
1951 Nezvěstný (Missing)
1957 Dobročinný večírek (The Charity Ball)
1959 Půlnoční pacient (The Midnight Patient)
1964 Tři noci (Three Nights)
1966 Literární dobrodružství českého spisovatele v cizině (aneb o ctihodném povolání kouzla zbaveném)
1967 Cizinci hledají byt
1972 Osvoboditel se vrací
1961 Všeobecné spiknutí
1997 Tři noci. Epidemie