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Ivan Klíma


Ivan Klíma was born in Prague in 1931. As a child he spent three years in the Terezín concentration camp. He studied literature after the war and wrote his thesis on Karel Capek. He became an editor at the Ceskoslovenský Spisovatel publishing house. He was later deputy editor of the literary magazine Literàrní noviny. During the 1970s and 1980s he was on the list of banned writers and could only publish abroad or in samizdat. His work is concerned with the individual in conflict with authority and human loneliness but spiced with typical Czech laconic wit.

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Ivan Klíma
Featured Author: Ivan Klima
Building bridges (profile)
Seeds of spring (article by Klíma)


1960 Bezvadný den (short stories)
1960 Mezi tremi hranicemi
1962 Karel Čapek
1963 Hodina ticha (novel)
1964 Milenci na jednu noc (short stories)
1964 Zàmek (drama)
1965 Nàvštěva u nesmrtelné tetky (non fiction)
1965 Kokrhací hodiny a jiné príběhy z Vlašských Klobúk a podobných Tramtàrií (children’s)
1967 Mistr (drama)
1968 Klàra a dva pàni; Cukràrna Myriam (drama)
1968 Porota (drama)
1969 Loď jménem Naděje (A Ship Named Hope) (short stories)
1969 Żenich pro Marcelu (drama)
1970 Milenci na jeden den (short stories)
1972 Malomocní (stories)
1979 Mà veselà jitra (My Merry Mornings: Stories from Prague) (short stories)
1979 Milostné léto (A Summer Affair) (novel)
1983 Už se blíží meče
1985 Moje první làsky (My First Loves) (short stories)
1986 Soudce z milosti (Judge on Trial) (novel)
1988 Làska a smetí (Love and Garbage) (novel)
1990 Mà zlatà řemesla (later: Moje zlatà remesla) (My Golden Trades) (short stories)
1990 Ministr a anděl (drama)
1990 Markétin zvěřinec (children’s)
1991 Hry (drama)
1992 Ostrov mrtvých kràlů (short stories)
1993 Cekàní na tmu, cekàní na svetlo (Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light) (novel)
1994 The Spirit of Prague and Other Essays
1995 Milostné rozhovory (short stories)
1995 Jak daleko je slunce (short stories)
1996 Poslední stupeň důvěrnosti (The Ultimate Intimacy) (novel)
1998 Kruh nepràtel ceského jazyka: fejetony (essays)
1998 O chlapci, ktery se nestal císlem
1999 Jak přežít blahobyt (Between Security and Insecurity) (published in English in 1999 and in Czech in 2001)
1999 Lovers for a Day (short stories)
1999 Ani svatí, ani andēlé (No Saints or Angels)
2001 Velký vēk chce mít též velké mordy (Karel Čapek: Life and Work)
2003 Premiér a andēl
2009 Moje šílené století (My Crazy Century)
2010 Moje šílené století II: 1967 – 1989
2010 Spisy. 1, Moje první làsky (a jiné milostné povídky)
2011 Spisy. 2, Milostné léto
2011 Spisy. 3, Loď jménem Naděje
2011 Spisy. 4, Má veselá jitra
2012 Spisy. 5, Soudce z milosti
2012 Jak se nestát vrahem
2013 Spisy. 6, Láska a smetí