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Petra Hůlová


Petra Hůlová was born in 1979 in Prague. She initially studied at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, before studying culturology at the Faculty of Arts of the same university. She later added Mongolian studies and, after university, lived for a year in Mongolia, with Mongolia becoming the subject of her first novel, which brought her considerable success in the Czech Republic. As well as writing several novels and a play, she also stood for the Green Party in parliamentary elections in 2013 and 2014 but was not elected.

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Petra Hůlová
Petra Hůlová
Petra Hůlová” (in Czech)


2002 Paměť mojí babičce (All This Belongs To Me)
2004 Přes matný sklo
2005 Cirkus Les Mémoires
2006 Umělohmotný třípokoj (Three Plastic Rooms)
2008 Stanice Tajga
2010 Strážci občanského dobra
2012 Čechy, země zaslíbená
2014 Macocha
2018 Stručné dějiny Hnutí (The Movement)
2019 Zlodějka mýho táty
2021 Liščí oči