Home » Czech Republic » Vladislav Vančura

Vladislav Vančura


Vladislav Vančura was born in 1891. He initially qualified and practised as a doctor but before giving it up to become a full-time writer. He was a founding member of the Czech Communist Party in 1921 but was expelled in 1929. He worked for the Communists during the German occupation but was caught and shot by a firing squad in 1942. His books tend to be lyrical and poetical and while he did introduce left-wing politics into some of his works this was more out of a sense of a duty.

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Vladislav Vančura
Vladislav Vancura


1923 Amazonský proud
1925 Pole orná a válecná
1926 Rozmarné léto (Summer Caprice)
1927 Ucitel a zák; scénická básen
1928 Nemocná dívka
1929 Poslední soud
1930 Cesta do sveta
1930 Hrdelní pre, anebo, Prísloví
1931 Markéta Lazarová (Markéta Lazarová)
1932 Alchymista
1932 Útěk do Budína
1934 Spisy
1934 Konec starých casu (The End of the Old Times)
1936 Tri reky
1938 Rodina Horvatova
1939-48 Obrazy z dejin národa ceského : verná vypravování o zivote, skutcích válecných i duchu vzdelanosti
1947 Luk královny Dorotky : povídky
1947 Pekar Jan Marhoul
1958 Vedomí souvislostí
1962 Kosmas
1967 Kubula a Kuba Kubikula
1972 Rád nové tvorby
1973 Rodina Horvatova
1985 První prózy a první pokusy