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Regina Ezera


Regina Ezera was born Regina Samreto in 1930 in Riga. Her father was a bookkeeper, and her mother was a nurse. She and her parents were evacuated to Germany as the Soviet army approached in 1944. They went to Magdeburg but when that town was occupied by the Soviet army, they were returned to Latvia. She studied journalism at the University of Latvia. After graduating, she worked as a journalist and then started writing, adopting the pen-name of Ezera (it means lake in Latvian). After marriage and having three children, she gave up journalism but took up writing full-time. She wrote both novels and stories and continued to write after Latvia’s independence. She died in 2002. Few of her works have been published in English.

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Regīna Ezera
Regīna Ezera


1961 Un ceļš vēl k ūp (stories)
1961 Zem pavasara debesīm (novel)
1963 Viņas bija trīs (novel)
1965 Daugavas stāsti (stories)
1966 Mežābele (novel)
1968 Aiztek Gaujas ūdeņi, aiztek (stories)
1968 Dzilnas sila balāde (novel)
1969 Saules atspulgs (stories)
1970 Grieze – trakais putns (stories)
1971 Nakts bez mēnesnīcas (stories)
1972 Aka [The Well] (novel)
1973 Pavasara pērkons (Nostalgia) (stories)
1974 Vasara bija tikai vienu dienu (stories)
1975 Cilvēkam vajag suni (stories)
1975 Šūpoles (The Swing) (story in Cilvēkam vajag suni)
1977 Zemdegas (novel)
1978 Baraviku laika dullums (stories)
1979 Izlase (novel)
1979 Slazds (stories)
1980 Saulespuķes no pērnās vasaras (novel)
1982 Varmācība (novel)
1984 Dzīvot uz savas zemes (novel)
1984 Nodevība (novel)
1985 Princeses fenomens (stories)
1987 Pie klusiem ūdeņiem (stories)
1989 Virtuvē bez pavārgrāmatas (novel)
1990 Stāsti un noveles (novel)
1993 Visticamāk, ka ne… (novel)
1994 Zvaigžņu lietus (novel)
1995 Pūķa ola (novel)
1996 Visticamāk, kājā… (novel)
1997 Mazliet patiesības. Nedaudz melu… (novel)
1997 Varbut ta nebus vairs nekad: Proza un nedzeja (selections)
2000 Raksti, I (novel)
2001 Raksti, II (novel)
2003 Odas skumjām (selections)
2003 … pār izdegušiem laukiem skrien mans sapnis (poetry)