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Saulius Šaltenis


Saulius Šaltenis was born in Utena in 1945. His family were teachers. He studied philology at Vilnius University, while working as a labourer at the Vilnius Drill Factory. After the first year he was recruited to serve in the Soviet Army, after which he did not continue his studies. He worked at the Editorial Board of the Lithuanian Film Studio. He then co-founded the weekly North Athens, which he edited. He joined the pro-independence Sąjūdis (Lithuanian Reform Movement) and was elected to the Parliament in 2000 and later became Minister of Culture. He has published articles, stories and novels. Two of his novels have been translated into English.

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Saulius Šaltenis
Saulius Šaltenis
Saulius Šaltenis


1966 Atostogos (stories)
1972 Riešutų duona (stories)
1977 Duokiškis (story)
1978 Škac, mirtie, visados škac! (drama)
1983 Atminimo cukrus (stories)
1986 Apysakos (stories)
1989 Lituanica; Duokiškio baladės (ballads, drama)
1990 Kalės vaikai (Bees on the Snow) (novel)
1995 Pokalbiai prieš aušrą (journalism)
2006 Pjesės (drama)
2006 Proza: novelės ir apysakos (stories)
2007 Lietuvių grotesko ir ironijos dramos (drama)
2014 (prose, drama)
2015 Žydų karalaitės dienoraštis: romanas (Diary of a Jewish Girl)
2016 Basas ir laimingas (novel)
2020 Geležiniai gyvatės kiaušiniai (novel)