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Slavko Janevski


Slavko Janevski was born in 1920 in Skopje. His father was an itinerant worker. He studied mechanical engineering but his studies were interrupted by World War II. His family moved to Belgrade and he joined the partisans. By this time he was writing poetry, though after the war he worked as an editor and journalist. After being involved in the war with Greece, he turned to fiction. His novel Стебла (later: Село зад седумте јасени)) (which translates as Treetrunks (later: Village Beyond Seven Ash Trees)) is considered the first Macedonian novel. As well as writing prose, poetry and works for children, Janevski was very active in helping develop Macedonian literature and in encouraging new talent. He died in 2000.

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Slavko Janevski


1945 Крвава низа (poetry)
1946 Пруга на младоста (со Ацо Шопов) poetry)
1946 Пионери) пионерки) бубачки и шумски ѕверки (poetry – children’s)
1946 Распеани букви (poetry – children’s)
1948 Милиони маченици (poetry – children’s)
1949 Егејска барутна бајка (poetry)
1950 Песни (Poems) (poetry)
1950 Улица (novella)
1951 Лирика (poetry)
1952 Село зад седумте јасени (novel)
1952 Шеќерна приказна (stories – children’s)
1956 Кловнови и луѓе (stories)
1956 Две Марии (novel)
1957 Леб и камен (poetry)
1959 Месечар (novel)
1959 Сенката на Карамба Барамба (poetry – children’s)
1959 Марсовци и глувци (poetry – children’s)
1962 Горчливи легенди (travel)
1964 И бол и бес (novel)
1965 Стебла (later: Село зад седумте јасени) (novel)
1966 Евангелие по Итар Пејо (poetry)
1967 Црни и жолти (poetry – children’s)
1968 Каинавелија (poetry)
1970 Тврдоглави (novel)
1972 Омарнини (stories)
1976 Ковчег (stories)
1978 Оковано јаболко (poetry)
1979 Астропеус (Astropeus) (poetry)
1983 Змејови за игра (poetry)
1984 Миракули на грозомората трилогија: Легионите на Свети Адонис Кучешко распетие и Чекајќи чума
1987 ДеветКерубинови векови (The Nine Centuries of Kerubin) (novel)
1988 Глуви команди (poetry)
1988 Песји шуми (poetry)
1988 Чудотворци (Miracle Workers) (novel)
1989 Рулет со седум бројки (novel)
1990 Скаменетиот Орфеј (poetry)
1991 Пупи Паф (prose in verse – children’s)
1991 The Bandit Wind (poetry – bilingual text)
1993 Зад тајната врата (stories)
1996 Континент Кукулино (prose)
1996 Пупи Паф во Шумшул град (children’s)
1996 Пупи Паф гледа од вселената (children’s)
1996 Пупи Паф господар на соништата (children’s)
2000 Депонија (novel)
2001 И петто годишно време (conversations)
2002 Измислена тврдина (poetry)
2005 Книжевно наследство 1 Галерија универзум (literature)
2007 Книжевно наследство 2 Разговори со Јаневски (literature)