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Jerzy Andrzejewski
Jerzy Andrzejewski was born in Warsaw in 1909. His father was a grocer. He studied literature at the University of Warsaw but did not take his degree. He started to write when young. He worked as a literary journalist till the war, when he was active in the resistance movement. After the War he was a supporter of the Communist regime and even became a member of Parliament, before opposing the regime and allying himself with the Solidarity movement. Much of his work is concerned with the ethical dilemma faced by the individual whether to be part of something greater. This can be seen in his most famous work – Popiół i diament (Ashes and Diamonds) – also made into a famous film by Andrzej Wajda. Andrzejewski died in 1983.
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1936 Drogi Nieuniknione
1938 Ład serca
1945 Apel
1945 Noc
1946 Święto Winkelrida (with Jerzy Zagórski)
1948 Popiół i diament (Ashes and Diamonds)
1950 Aby Pokój Zwyciężył
1951 O Człowieku Radzieckim
1952 Partia I Twórczość Pisarza
1952 Ludzie I Zdarzenia 1951
1953 Ludzie I Zdarzenia 1952
1953 Wojna Skuteczna, Czyli Opis Bitew I Potyczek Z Zadufkami
1954 Książka Dla Marcina
1955 Złoty Lis
1957 Ciemności kryją ziemię (The Inquisitors)
1959 Niby Gaj
1960 Bramy Raju (The Gates of Paradise)
1963 Idzie skacząc po górach (A Sitter for a Satyr; He Cometh Leaping Upon The Mountains)
1963 Noc i inne opowiadania
1968 Apelacja (The Appeal)
1973 Prometeusz
1976 Teraz Na Ciebie Zagłada
1979 Już Prawie Nic
1980 Nowe Opowiadania
1981 Miazga
1983 Nikt
1986 Intermezzo: i inne opowiadania
1987 Gra Z Cieniem
1988 Z Dnia Na Dzień
1993 Wielki tydzień (Holy Week)
1994 Zeszyt Marcina
2003 Dziennik paryski