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Stanisław Lem


Stanisław Lem was born in 1921 in Lwów, now Lviv in the Ukraine (and also known as Lvov and Lemberg). He studied medicine at Lwow University (his parents were both doctors) and also at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He worked as a car mechanic and welder during the War and finished his studies in Krakow after the War, as Lwów became part of the Soviet Union. After working as a research assistant, he became a writer. His first work was more realistic but he soon turned to his brand of science fiction. Having had scientifically training, Lem is very familiar with the technical aspects of cybernetics, space travel and so on and has written non-fiction works on cybernetics, the prospects for biological engineering as well as on literature. His work has been compared to Borges, whom he acknowledges as an influence and to Italo Calvino. He died in 2006.

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Official site
Stanisław Lem
Stanisław Lem
Stanisław Lem
Stanislaw Lem
Stanislaw Lem – Summary Bibliography
From Virtual Reality to Phantomatics and Back (commentary on Lem on virtual reality)


1946 Człowiek z Marsa (Man from Mars)
1951 Astronauci: powiesc fantastyczno-naukowa
1955 Oblok Magellana
1955 Sezam
1957 Czas nieutracony: Szpital Przemienienia (Hospital of the Transfiguration)
1957 Dialogi (Dialogs.)
1957 Dzienniki gwiazdowe (The Star Diaries; later: Memoirs of a Space Traveler: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy)
1959 Inwazja z aldebarana)
1959 Śledztwo (The Investigation)
1959 Eden (Eden)
1961 Ksiega robotów
1961 Pamietnik znaleziony w wannie (Memoirs Found in a Bathtub)
1961 Powrót z gwiazd (Return from the Stars)
1961 Solaris (Solaris)
1961 Bajki robotów
1962 Wejście na orbitę
1963 Noc ksiezycowa
1964 Niezwyciężony i inne opowiadania (The Invincible)
1964 Summa technologiae
1965 Polowanie
1966 Ratujmy kosmos, i inne opowiadania
1968 Wysoki zamek (Highcastle: a Remembrance)
1967 Cyberiada (The Cyberiad; Fables for the Cybernetic Age)
1968 Filozofia przypadku; literatura w swietle empirii
1968 Głos Pana (His Master’s Voice)
1968 Opowiesci o pilocie Pirxie (Tales of Pirx the Pilot; More Tales of Pirx the Pilot)
1969 Opowiadania
1970 Fantastyka i futurologia
1970 Pirx pilóta kalandjai
1971 Bezsenność (contains Kongres futurologiczny (The Futurological Congress)
1971 Doskonała próżnia (A Perfect Vacuum)
1973 Golem XIV (parts appeared in Imaginary Magnitude)
1973 Wielkość urojona (Imaginary Magnitude)
1973 Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie (Tales of Pirx the Pilot and More Tales of Pirx the Pilot)
1975 Rozprawy i szkice
1975 Katar (Chain of Chance)
1976 Suplement
1977 Katar (The Chain of Chance)
1977 Mortal Engines (short stories)
1979 Powtórka
1981 The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem: an Anthology of Entertaining Stories by the Modern Master of Science Fiction
1981 Essays
1982 Szpital Przemienienia (Hospital of the Transfiguration)
1982 Wizja lokalna
1983 Kongres futurologiczny: Maska
1984 Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy
1984 Prowokacja
1986 Biblioteka XXI wieku (One Human Minute)
1986 Fiasko (Fiasco)
1987 Pokój na Ziemi (Peace on Earth)
1988 Ciemnosc i plesn
1993 Pozytek ze smoka: i inne opowiadania
1994 Czlowiek z Marsa
1995 Lube czasy
1996 Zagadka
1996 Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju
1996 Sex Wars
1997 Dziury w całym
1997 A Stanislaw Lem Reader
1999 Bomba megabitowa
2000 Okamgnienie
2001 Fantastyczny Lem
2003 Mój pogląd na literaturę
2004 Krótkie zwarcia
2005 Lata czterdzieste. Dyktanda
2006 Rasa drapieżców. Teksty ostatnie
2021 The Truth and Other Stories
2021 Dialogues (essays)