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Camil Petrescu


Camil Petrescu was born in Bucharest in 1894. His father died before he was born. His mother died soon after and he was was raised by a nurse from the family of a Deputy Police Commissioner. He did well at school and went to the University of Bucharest where he received a magna cum laude in philosophy. He became a teacher and later took a Ph.D.in drama.

He fought in World War I and was wounded. He returned to action but was captured by the Hungarians. He lost hearing in one ear as a result of German bombing. On his return to Bucharest, he took up writing, particularly poetry and drama. In 1939 he was appointed director of the National Theatre in Bucharest, where he lasted only 10 months, and in 1948 he was elected a full member of the Romanian Academy. He died in 1957 with his major novel Un om între oameni (A Man Among Men) unfinished.

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Camil Petrescu


1918 Act venețian (venetian Act) (drama)
1918 Jocul ielelor (drama)
1921 Suflete tari (Those Poor Stout Hearts) (drama)
1923 ersuri. Ideea. Ciclul morții (poetry)
1924 Danton (drama)
1925 Un luminiș pentru Kicsikem (poetry)
1925 Mitică Popescu (1925)
1926 Mioara (drama)
1930 Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război [The Last Night of Love, the First Night of War] (novel)
1931 Transcendentalia (poetry)
1932 Din versurile lui Ladima (poetry)
1933 Patul lui Procust (novel)
1933 Rapid Constantinopole – Bioram (travel)
1936 Teze și antiteze (essays)
1937 Modalitatea estetică a teatrului (drama criticism)
1938 Dona Diana, (drama)
1940 Doctrina substanței (philosophy)
1943 Iată femeia pe care o iubesc (drama)
1946 Prof. dr. Omu vindecă de dragoste (drama)
1948 Bălcescu (drama)
1950 Turnul de fildeș (story)
1950 Moartea pescărușului (story)
1950 Mănușile )Mănușile (story)
1950 Mănușile (story)
1950 Cei care plătesc cu viața (stories)
1953-57 Un om între oameni (A Man Among Men) (unfinished novel)
1955 Caragiale în vremea lui (drama)
1957 Un episod… (story)
1975 Note zilnice (journal)