Dan Lungu
Dan Lungu was born in Botoșani in 1969. He graduated from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, in Iași, in sociology. He also studied in France, Italy and the UK before undertaking postdoctoral studies at the Sorbonne. After the Romanian revolution, he became an assistant and then a lecturer at the Faculty of Sociology and Social-Political Sciences at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. He has continued as an academic in sociology, while following a literary career, starting with a poetry collection. He has since published academic works on sociology as well as stories and novels. Two of his novels have been translated into English.
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1996 Muchii (poetry)
1999 Cheta la flegmă (stories)
2003 Proza cu amănuntu (stories)
2003 Cartografii în tranziție (art, literature)
2003 Construirea identității într-o societate totalitară (sociology)
2003 Povestirile vieții (sociology)
2004 Incursiuni în sociologia artelor (sociology)
2004 Raiul găinilor [Chicken Heaven] (novel)
2005 Băieți de gașcă (stories)
2006 Evoluția metodelor de cercetare în sociologia artelor (sociology)
2007 Sînt o babă comunistă (I’m an Old Commie!) (novel)
2009 Cum să uiți o femeie (How to Forget a Woman )(novel)
2011 În iad toate becurile sînt arse (novel)
2015 Fetița care se juca de-a Dumnezeu (novel)
2018 Tovarășe de drum. Experiența feministă în comunism (sociology)
2018 Pâlpâiri (novel)
2019 Parul conteaza enorm (stories)