Gib Mihăescu
Gib Mihăescu was born in Drăgăşani, in 1894. He graduated from the “Carol I” National College in Craiova and then, In May 1917, he graduated from the infantry officers’ school in Iași. He fought in World War I. Afterwards, he became a lawyer, working for some time in Chisinau. He took up writing and wrote short stories and novels, including his best-known and last novel, Donna Alba. He died aged forty-one of tuberculosis in 1935. None of his books have been translated into English, apart from a couple of stories in anthologies.
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Gib Mihăescu
Gib Mihăescu
Gib Mihăescu (in Romanian)
1928 Pavilionul cu umbre (drama)
1928 Grandiflora (stories)
1929 Vedenia (stories)
1930 Brațul Andromedei (novel)
1933 Rusoaica (novel)
1933 Femeia de ciocolată (novel)
1934 Zilele și nopțile unui student întârziat (novel)
1935 Visul (stories)
1935 Donna Alba (novel)