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Ion Sadoveanu


Ion Sadoveanu was born Iancu-Leonte Marinescu in Bucharest in 1893. His father was a doctor. He studied philosophy in Bucharest and Paris. During World War I, he worked for the Ministry of the Interior and then became inspector of theatres, eventually becoming director general of theatres and opera. He subsequently became a newspaper editor before becoming director of the National Theatre in Bucharest. His earlier work was in poetry and drama and drama criticism but he later wrote novels. He also translated classic works of European literature into Romanian. He died in 1964.

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Ion Marin Sadoveanu
Ion Marin Sadoveanu (in Romanian)
Ion Marin Sadoveanu (in Romanian)


1927 Metamorfoze (verse drama)
1927 Anno domini (drama)
1930 Molima (drama)
1930 Cântece de rob (poetry)
1933 De la mimus la baroc (drama criticism)
1942 Drama şi teatrul religios în Evul mediu (drama criticism)
1942 Sfârşit de veac în Bucureşti [Fin-de-siècle in Bucharest] (novel)
1957 Ion Sîntu (novel)
1959 Sistemul celor 24 de sori (science fiction)
1962 Taurul mării (novel)
1963 Akho şi Tao (novel)
1964 Bucureşit (Bucharest) (travel)