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Max Blecher


Max Blecher was born in Botoșani in 1909. His father was a wealthy owner of a porcelain shop. After school, he went to Paris to study medicine but, soon after, was diagnosed with spinal tuberculosis (Pott’s disease) and had to abandon his studies. He had treatment at various sanatoriums but spent some ten years bedridden. However, he managed to publish a short story, contribute to a magazine put out by André Breton and correspond with various writers. After publishing a book of poetry, his parents moved him to a house in Rome, where he wrote till his death, aged twenty-eight, in 1938. He published two novels and his sanatorium diary was published posthumously.

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Max Blecher
Max Blecher


1934 Corp transparent (Transparent Body) (poetry)
1936 Întâmplări din irealitatea imediată (Adventures in Immediate Irreality; later: Occurrence in the Immediate Unreality) (novel)
1937 Inimi cicatrizate (Scarred Hearts) (novel)
1971 Vizuina luminată (The Illuminated Burrow; The Lighted Burrow) (diary)
2000 M. Blecher, mai puțin cunoscut: corespondența și receptare critică (correspondence)